Patientpresentation 患者臨床表現
MDCT of the temporal bone was performed toevaluate the possibility of cochlear implantation.
顳骨MDCT 檢查評價耳蝸植入的可能性。
CT Findings CT表現
Question no. 1:What is the main CT finding?
Widening of the internal auditory canal
Absence of thelabyrinthine structures
Sclerosis of the vestibulum
Large endolymphatic sac anomaly
問題1: CT 主要發(fā)現是什么?
A. 內聽道增寬
B. 迷路結構缺失
C. 前庭硬化
D. 內淋巴囊擴大
Diagnosis 診斷
Question no. 2:What is a likely diagnosis?
A. Michel anomaly
B. Mondini malformation
C. Incomplete partition type I
D. Incomplete partition type II
E. CHARGE association
問題 2: Z可能的診斷是?
A. Michel 畸形
B. Mondini 畸形
C. 不完全分隔I型
D. 不完全分隔II型
E. 聯(lián)合畸形
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